About Us

About Us

Welcome to The Word Christian Centre.

We are delighted to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you, our cherished visitors and beloved congregation members, as you step into our virtual home.

Our goal is to educate people with the undiluted word of God, enabling them to utilise the power in the word of God to fulfil their kingdom purpose. We are a cross – cultural bible centre. We are committed to helping and transforming lives from where they are to where they ought to be through praying, caring and sharing the good news in Christ Jesus employing the Simple Gospel message of the Bible, delivered in a way that is easily understood by everybody, and presenting no difficulty. We are excited on your visit to our page and we pray that you are richly blessed.

The Simple Gospel is a message of faith, hope and love. “1 Corinthians 13:13” With emphasis on three things that will last forever, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is Love. So our message to is help build the faith of believes, give hope to the hopeless, and share the love of God to all the earth, through the message of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At the Word Christian Centre, we are dedicated to living out the teachings of Jesus Christ and spreading His message of hope, love, and salvation. Our mission is to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals and families can grow spiritually, connect with one another, and make a positive impact in our community and beyond.

Founded on the principles of faith, prayer, and service, our church is committed to empowering individuals to discover and fulfill their God-given purpose. Through dynamic worship experiences, engaging Bible teachings, and meaningful fellowship opportunities, we aim to equip believers to live out their faith in every aspect of their lives.

Whether you’re seeking answers to life’s questions, looking for a supportive community to belong to, or desiring to deepen your relationship with God, the Word Christian Centre is here for you. Come join us as we journey together in faith, hope, and love.”

Through this website, we aim to provide you with an enriching and enlightening experience. Here, you will discover a treasure trove of resources, from uplifting sermons and thought-provoking articles to engaging events and opportunities for service.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”


Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

We are a cross – cultural bible centre. We are committed to helping and transforming lives from where they are to where they ought to be through praying, caring and sharing the good news in Christ Jesus employing the Simple Gospel message of the Bible, delivered in a way that is easily understood by everybody, and presenting no difficulty. We are excited on your visit to our page and we pray that you are richly blessed.

The Simple Gospel is a message of faith, hope and love. “1 Corinthians 13:13” With emphasis on three things that will last forever, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is Love. So our message to is help build the faith of believes, give hope to the hopeless, and share the love of God to all the earth, through the message of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Be an example to the world

Our Mission at The Word Christian Centre is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Church, and those in it, must:

Share the Word of God
Help those in need
Live as examples to all


Moulding believers, influencing the world

Through this, we aim to evangelise individuals and to bring the good news of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. The sharing of the Gospel and the life of Christ started with the commissioning and sending out of the 12 apostles.


Live a life of a true gospel believer

The Galatians also points to the mission of the Church with regards to equality and justice. The Gospel values need to be lived out, which means helping people in need. Christ is seen with people who have sinned, people in pain and suffering and people who are marginalised in society.

Our Team

Pastor Sunny Ahonkhai

Senior Pastor

Mobile: +44 7846651432,
Email: twccuk@gmail.com

Lola Ahonkhai


Mobile: +44 7846651432,
Email: twccuk@gmail.com

Peter & Jade Watson


Mobile: +44 7846651432,
Email: twccuk@gmail.com